Wednesday, February 27, 2013


The objectives of the restaurant are pretty broad and ambitions. It marketing terms, we always want to make our customers happy and earn something back from them in return. With offering a vegan bar and rest, our objective is giving customers a healthy lifestyle by choosing an alternative diet. For those who already following the ways of veganism, it is to give these people a place for an outing since they do not have that kind of options in this particular area. ”An organization exists to accomplish something, and this purpose should be clearly stated. Forging a sound mission begins with the following questions: What is our business? Who is the customer? What do consumers value? What should our business be?” (Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation, pg. 39)

(Our objectives, in broad terms can be read in our mission statement. “If the rest of the world is going green, our bodies should go green too. Veganism keeps the body up to optimal health and to live longer. Following a vegan diet improves health such as clear skin, easier digestion, lower risks of diseases, and better weight management. An improved health means a better life. It also benefits animals since they and their children are not used in a vegan diet, which is the definition of being a vegan.” “Mission statements should be meaningful and specific yet motivating. They should emphasize the company’s strengths in the marketplace.” (Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation, pg. 41). The company would have to do some research to get us start, like what demographics would appeal to the concept of being a vegan to get us started out and are those demographics enough to make it worth it? I have the restaurant already planned out to market towards a young group of demographics since veganism is trending with young people (maybe around the ages of 18-30).

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